Monday, November 25, 2024

B6/Ch11: LUNAE MALUM, Prt. 2

The Fire



A hellscape. 

The fire at the police station had engulfed the entire building from the third floor down. Under smoldering rubble Nikolas Jordan frantically pulled burning debris off of a mound that had accumulated on top of Asha Hoffman.

"ASHA! ASHA!!!!" Nik Screamed, burning his hands but never wavering on his search.

He kept digging and digging, the smoke got thicker and thicker all around him. 

He quickly peeked at the back door he had opened right at the moment the ceiling caved in. He looked back down at the burning beams of wood and dug more. 

Finally, Asha's hand

He leaped into action and uncovered her body. Miraculously she had only superficial burns and was mostly covered in ash and soot with minor cuts and bruises. 

She was alive but had breathed in too much smoke. 

Nik grabbed Asha's unconscious body and propped her up. Begged her to answer him and lightly tapped on her cheeks. 

She did not. 

Time was wasting and the fire was intensifying. He took her into his arms and quickly ran out the back door and down the back stairs that lead into an alleyway where Nik could safely, and secretly, take Asha to Hope Hospital.

As he ran like he had never run before with Asha in his arms, it was as if he was superhuman. The weight of her body never once stressing his joints.  As he looked back towards the Constable's office and home, he saw it completely engulfed in the reddest flames he had seen since the night Alice Winterborn died at a fire at Lockwood Thicket. 

It brought back flashes of that night and that fire. His heart Ached or Alice who died. It was like his life had two book ends of terrible awful fires surrounding two women he loved dearly. 

But he had to save Asha now. He didn't want her to end up like Alice. 

Nik's heart was broken. He loved Asha very much and in this frightening moment nothing she did, not even the horrible thing he overheard her confess to Gregory about taking his mother's newborn child and lying to her about its death, could make him fail at saving her life. 


Mayor Churchill receives terrible news from an aide

The crowds in Village Park began to swell. The clock was minutes from Midnight, and the full moon was in it's grandest, brightest faze on a clear night sky.

Mayor Timothy Churchill got to the mainstage of the event and grabbed hold of the silver circular microphone with it's wiry progs. He flicked the center blasting a loud thud across the park that echoed back into the village. The music stopped. Everyone happily awaited the mayor's welcoming speech.

"Ladies and Gentleman, it has been a very tough few days with the loss of our fellow villagers on the docks. But today, we celebrate life in the shape of a beautiful full moon. Tonight, when you gaze up and see this celestial orb celebrate the world around you tonight. The clock has stuck, my friends, look up! The moon shines down on us all and we----" 

As the mayor continued to speak, an aide came over and whispered in his ear. Just as this happened, everyone in the Park began to smell the unmistakable scent of burning wood.

"What?" the mayor asked in shock. "Are you sure?"

The crowd began to whisper among themselves.

"What's he saying?" One woman asked her husband.

A wolf howled in the distance. 

More whispers from the crowd, this time more frantic. 

"Something's burnin'!" A man shouted.

"I smell it too." Aurora said under her breath answering the man.

"What's happening?" Evie asked Matthew as he held her and Garbriel.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the mayor again began to speak. "I ask you to please stay calm, there have been reports of two more deaths in town and .... and shockingly, the Constable's office has been set ablaze. We are handling the situation now and I want to reassure everyone that everything is fine." 

"Two more dead? Sebastian Lord's got TWO MORE bodies on his list!!" A man screamed. 

"Sebastian?" Rebecca whispered to Caspian. "Why do they keep thinking its Sebatian?"

The crowd started pointing and leering at the Lord family. First at Rebecca and Jacob and then at Evie and Celeste.

There was a sudden bitterness in the air. Angry stares of people who were fed up with the island's so-called royal family and all their secrets, all their mystery, all of the death that surrounded them. Real and Fictional. 

Cora's heart sank. She knew why it was happening: she was the reason why. She was the one who told Baxter that Evie was adamite that she was saved from her grave somehow by the supposed dead Sebastian Lord. The story morphed from there with Baxter's poison pen. He crafted the story of a murderer, a killer monster that was alive and yet dead. His passion for the sensational and the hyperbole made the story that was untrue suddenly true with Filipe's tragic transition into the true monster in the village.

"This is just too good." Baxter whispered to his photographer. "Go on, keep photographing all of this."

Then suddenly screams from the other end of the park near the entrance, blood curdling heinous screams, broke the concentration on the Lord family. 

"Mayor! WHAT IS IT?" A man shouted pointing in the direction of the entrance. 

The crowed continued to gasp in horror at the mouth of the open gates of Village Park. there frothing at the mouth hungry for more human flesh in hideous werewolf form was Filipe Braga howling into the night revealing himself from the shadowy streets.

True horror was about to ensue. 

Panic from the crowd began to emanate in front of the mayor. "Please, please everyone stay calm, the authorities are going to take care of everything. We need calm heads here. Please, stay calm." 

But the calm would not come.

Screams sounded. People began to scatter from the front gate. Women grabbed their children. Men held on to their wives. A crush of people began to push forward towards the stage. A police office went into action, but the wolf whipped it's head around and threw him to the floor breaking his neck on impact.

"What the devil is it, I want it shot on the spot!" The mayor ordered from his vantage point seeing the creature. 

"Jesus Christ!" The aide exclaimed. 

"My God, Nik! Nik is in the fire." Ward suddenly remembered. 

"Nik?!" Aurora screeched, her face puzzled at Ward's realization.

Gregory's face went pale, frozen. He realized Asha was done for, and with her possible Nik who was snooping around. 

"Nikolas is there!" Ward confessed.

"Nikolas?" Laural asked confused.

"What do you mean?" Aurora shouted as she and Gregory both snapped back to look at Ward. "Nik is where?"

Dr. Peter Ward now had to explain it all. He stepped up to Gregory as people ran past screaming from the wolf in the chaos. He revealed in a shocking turn of events that Nikolas had gone to find Asha at Gregory's house because they both felt Gregory was hiding her there.

"You know why." Peter Ward added.

"Gregory, what in the world is he talking about?" Aurora asked.

A police man suddenly came over "Sir, you'll have to ask everyone with you move out of the park, a wild animal is on the prowl and there is significant danger." 

"Everyone move! LETS MOVE!" Gregory shouted attempting to move past the shocking reveal.

"GREGORY WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Aurora screamed as she turned to Gregory and tilted her head in confusion. Laural too, both women were being ushered off by their significant others with giant question marks over the entire situation. 

Gregory's mind raced his took a breath and continued to order Aurora out of the park for her safety. 

"Wait! Where are you going? What is Dr. Ward talking about???" Aurora shouted again, Laurel too attempting to pull more information from Peter. 

Gregory ignored her and rushed off towards the wolf and the exit, to salvage whatever was left of his secret from his apartment.


Chaos in the park 

The wolf meantime snapped his jaws at anything that passed him. His thick gray fur looked like silver strands of iron under a muscular physic that twisted and contorted at every movement. His paws, thick with power left giant marks in the park's muddy paths. His bite, snarling and withering at a glance could slice through any bone, any stone, and any attempt to block him from getting his prey. 

 More police showed up and pushed people back. A strong of lights suddenly was yanked down to the ground on the east side of the park where wolf was now blackening that area of the park in shadows. A woman fell to the floor and was trampled on. Filipe leaped on her and big her in the side and ripped her in half.

People screamed. More running. Aurora, Peter and Laurel rushed for their lives.

Matthew grabbed Evie who scooped up little Garbiel. 

"HURRY!" Matthew shouted, holding tight to Evie's hand.

"It's ok, its ok!!!" Evie kept saying to a hysterically crying Gabreil who could only see the chaos around him and not hear a single thing. 

Lucas began running to the other exit of the park leaping over bodies and screaming people. Lear saw him and grabbed his hand. "COME WITH ME!" Lear shouted, and together they searched for safety.

at the other exit of the park, a crush of people trying to escape. The large iron gates that held everyone in, trapped like rats as the wolf continued to tear into people as it passed.

Fatima and Father Ryan ran in the other direction, towards Filipe. 

Gregory too ran towards the monster dodging villagers left and right like an obstacle course.

"COME! COME!!!" Caspian said to a panicked Rebecca.

"Where's Gabriel? Where's Fabian? Where're are the children???!?" She replied in a panic as she was dragged along as fast as Caspian could take her. 

At the crush of villagers attempting to escape the park, Jacob, Celeste and Fabien zig-zagged through the pushing and shoving. 

"Order!! Have order!!" A policeman said, shoving people out as best he could as the squeezing and pushing was making it very difficult. "Order! WE NEED ORDER!!!! One by one, but hurry!" 

"Jacob, what is that thing?" Celeste asked holding tightly to her 4-year-old boy-- both terrified. She began to look back not realizing it was the man she once loved, Filipe, ravaging villagers in a bloody massacre. "Is it Sebastian like Baxter said???" 

Jacob grabbed Celeste's arm and held tight. "That thing is not my nephew." He answered. 

Celest turned her head, Jacob's big hand softly pushed her cheek pushing her eyes away from the carnage behind them.

"DON'T LOOK BACK!" Jacob said, moving her face forward. "Come, we have to push through, hold my hand. DO NOT LET GO!" He ordered. 

Jacob's cruelty and selfishness was a way of life. It was his currency in a world that took from him so very early on in his youth, but the very idea that his own nephew would be this creature murdering so indiscriminately was impossible to him. Jacob knew what Sebastian was, he knew and saw what he could be capable of as one of the undead, everyone in the family knew. It was their secret to keep. 

But this, whatever this monster was, Jacob knew was not the nephew he loved to hate. 

The real monster of the Lord family, was Jacob -- and he knew it. 


The panic in the park sent people scattering to every corner. Huddled together under trees trying to break the iron bars of the large fence that surrounded the lush gardens and grassy areas.

Johnathon and Jacqueline too went off to find shelter.

"What the hell is going on, what is that thing?" Johnathon said as the two held hands in a giant group of people pushing towards the exit.

Jacqueline didn't know what to say, she kept looking back towards the carnage of the wolf's rage. She closed her eyes and hoped to enter it's mind, this was obviously no ordinary forest dwelling wolf. 

As her powers began to search for the wolf's telepathic energy to enter it's mind she heard people around her in the massive group saying that Baxter's theory that the creature was some sort of hideous version of the Lord's family secret, Sebastian Lord, her eyes snapped open.


The two people stared at her as if she had three heads. 

"And 'ow doya know that?" The woman said, her accident straight out of Manchester, England.

"I know." Jacqueline replied.

"How?" Johnaton asked, his mind slowly slipping free of the spell she had him under. He suddenly felt a bit of jealously, she was so forceful and sure that the wolf was not Johnathon's nephew Sebastian, even though Johnathon himself could have told the gossipers that. 

"I just do.” Jacqueline replied feeling uneasy as Johnathon expression showed distrust.

But Jacqueline knew the man she truly loved was no Lycan. He was a vampire. 

"Well, what I know is that  as soon as we're outta here, I'm leaving this god damn town. The Lord's have a lot of control ov'r these parts and now look what happenin'." The woman said. "OY COPPA! LET US OUT!!" She screamed at the police trying his best to keep order as two by two and three by three were filtering out of the small exit to the iron fenced park. 

"You know him, don't you? You know Sebastian. How? How do you him?" Johnathon asked, his suspicions now on full display.

Jacqueline's eyes narrowed. She did not need her current husband questioning her past lovers, not at this time. 

She lifted a hand and snapped her fingers directly in his eyes. The sound clicked in his brain and the spell she placed on him, a spell the left her in total control of his mind and emptions, quickly regenerated as if an oil lamp had been refilled and a dimming flame took back the wick. 

Jacqueline tuned back once more and saw the wolf on it's hind legs howling a deep monstrous sound.

"That was not Sebastian.", she thought. "But who the devil is it?"


"CHRIST!!" Baxter shouted with glee of the wolf he assumed was a monster-formed Sebastian. "GET A PHOTO! GET A PHOTO!!! This is what we've been waiting for." He told his photographer. 

As they stood among the rushing villagers, the wolf approached. The lights in the park began to flicker. The photographer stood their feet from the wolf in pole position to snap the most amazing and lucrative photo of the thing they thought was Sebastian Lord, the vicious killer. 

"NOW! NOW!!" Baxter shouted.

"Bax," Cora exclaimed the behind. "ENOUGH!" 

The photographer stood frozen, the wolf lunged and bit off his arm. 

Cora screamed at the site of the blood and fainted. Baxter looked over at his sister, then over at the camera and the dying photographer. He grabbed the camera, and the lightbulb flash had been broken, but he tilted the camera and snapped a photo of the wolf running off. Baxter looked back down and the photographer was dead.

"Cora. Cora, are you ok? Cora?" Baxter asked, kneeling next to Gabriel's teacher and nanny.

Cora came too, dizzy and flustered. She opened her eyes to see her brother Baxter hunched over her. With all the energy she had, she slapped him across the face. She saw him as the problem. He was the reason so much had gone wrong. He was the true villain of it all. Had she not told him anything he would have never put anything in the paper and made the whole city had Sebastian. 

Baxter only looked at her, a single tear rolled down her face. Baxter stood up and left her there on the grass only to be helped up by a stranger. Cora, still dizzy slowly rushed off to the exit. 

Meanwhile, an exhausted Nik burst through the doors of Welshport Hope Hospital carrying the unconscious Asha. Her dress singed and caked with soot. Her face covered in ash. 

Nik too was burned on his hands and has the black smoke marks all over his face from the fire.

"SOMEONE! HELP!" He shouted.

Two nurses and a doctor at the front desk rushed over and helped Nik as they lay Asha on the marble hospital floor for a quick examination before another two men rushed over with a gurney. 

The doctor leaned over Asha and listened to her breathing with this ear. He chekced her pulse.

"It's weak." Nik advised.

"Get her to a room, we have to watch her breathing. Her breaths are shallow. She's struggling." The doctor explained.

The two men helped by the two nurses placed Asha on the gurney and rolled her off into a room where they'd watch her and care for her wounds.

"Are you ok Doctor?" The doctor asked Nik.

"Just a bit burned here and there." Nik replied.

"What happened?" 

Nik took a breath, and a single tear rolled down his check. "A nightmare on earth." He answered. 

Charlotte’s powers ignite Mary’s

As Chaos ensued, Mary came up the quiet docks fresh from her arrival from Goode Island. She could hear the screams off in the distance towards Village Park. Her heart felt as if it stopped, her stomach cramped. She knew what it was. 

Mary looked up, the moon was huge, glaring down at her in a glow of creamy grey light.

"Oh Filipe, no." She said to herself.

 Back on Goode Island, Morgan entered the living room after checking on little Caleb who was fast asleep in his crip. He saw Charlotte sitting on a sofa facing the window. Her back was towards him.

She was sitting so straight up, so stiff to his eye. It was odd to see her that way.

"Charlotte? Are you alright?" He asked walking towards her. 

She did not answer.

As he came around the sofa to face her, her eyes had turned completley white and were gloing.

Her mouth was moving as if words were to be coming out but not a word was audible. Her eyes were glazed over staring out into the distance. Morgan shook her. She didn’t not break her gaze or her train of thought. He kept trying but it was as if she were in a trance, her mind locked in a vice so trapping she could not come out of it. 

"Charlotte?? Charlotte??? What’s the matter? Wake up! Look at me! Look at me!” 

She would not answer Morgan. 


On Welshport, Mary's eyes had done the same. The two were connected telepathically. Mary and Charlotte had once again joined their powers together. Mary's strength was only as strong as Charlotte's but together they could fight off the darkest of forces. 

Mary began to levitate in the middle of the quiet street. She raised her arms and turned her hands so that her palms were towards the white moon.

In her seated position in the cabin on Goode Island, Charlotte did the same.

With a snap, Mary's arms came together, her hands clapped, and the iron gates of Village Park fell all around allowing the frightened Villagers to have other ways to escape the Wolf's wrath rather than struggled to exit through the one opening where the crush of people was about to cause a stampede trying to escape. 

Mary's eyes returned to normal, and she came back down to the street.

Charlotte's eyes returned to normal, and she saw Morgan standing there in shock.

"What happened, tell me!" He shouted.

"It's Filipe." Charlotte replied her eyes welling up with tear. "He's gone...gone to the moon. He's killing people."

"No." Morgan said, covering his mouth with this hand. "How many?"

Charlotte shook her head. "I don't know. I could only see people falling but not getting up. Too many to count. Screaming. And running. My mother is there. She'll help. She'll find Sebastian and together they'll turn this around. I know they will. I can feel it Morgan." 

"What if you're wrong? What if Filipe never turns back?' 

Charlotte worried he was right. Filipe was something now that she had never seen before. She had no idea if Mary's idea of using Sebatian's blood to revive Filipe into his normal self would work. It was a shot in the dark, a hail-Mary, something that was an idea and never tested but to Mary it was the most logical way. The two men were connected supernaturally and could heal each other if the right spell and blood from both were used. It was the way of the vampire spell Eliza put on Sebastian, and it had to be the way back from Filipe the terrors of lycanthropy. 

"It has to work." Charlotte said. "There is no other option."


Gregory confronts Filipe the wolf

Back at Village Park, Filipe's wild rage continued. He was snapping and biting and clawing his way through the crown that was finally dispersing from the dropped gates thanks to Mary and Charlotte's powers. 

Running towards him, was his biological mother Fatima, the woman he always believed to be his Aunt. She stood center of the park directly in front of a large fountain and statue that depicted one of the cherished matriarchs of the first families of the island, a symbol of the growth of Welshport Settlement: Isabella Hayden-Churchill holding her infant son Phillip, the first settler child born in the 1600s.

Fatima stood directly below Isabella and Phillip, coincidentally in a similar stance. 

"Filipe, filho", Fatima said using the Portuguese word for son to Filipe's wolf form. "You must stop this. You must run away from here before its too late." she added holding out her arms to stop him. 

Filipe snarled and growled. He stared his yellow vicious eyes directly at Fatima as if he was about to kill and yet --- the creature seemed to stop and think and see her for who she was. The beast calmed in a way he hadn't the entire night long. 

"He's going to kill you." Father Ryan said was he slowly walked backwards.

"No. He is listening." Fatima began.

"FILIPE! STOP!" Mary shouted from the other side of the park at an entrance below the last remaining strong of lights.

The wolf to her voice and growled and when he turned back he saw Gregory running towards him.

It all happened in slow motion to those who saw it. 

The fast motion of Gregory running towards the monster, the pulling at his waist where he held his firearm, the leaping over an injured villager was a call to action to Filipe.

The wolf met him in equal measure running towards him. Fatima screamed. Ryan fell backwards on to the park lawn. 

Mary started to rush towards them all.

Aurora too came out of the last remaining villagers and ran towards the wolf and the constable. 

Filipe leaped with all the strength of his hindlegs into the air and Gregory shot once. 

The wolf's mouth landed on Gregory's neck ripping it open.

Gregroy bled on the grass. Aurora arrived, lifted his head into her lap. Blood poured from his mouth. 

She screamed in agony.

The wolf lay with a bullet in his right shoulder.

Mary leaned down plugged the wound with her fingers. 

"Quickly, quickly!!" Fatima said, as she and Ryan took one end of the Filipe's wolf body, with Mary helping, and rushed him out of the park quickly into the night, miraculous with no one seeing.

Officers arrived. 

The huddled around Aurora and Gregory. 

"Greg, stay awake. Stay awake!!" She shouted.

"There's so much blood." One officer said.

"Sir, stay awake, we've got a call into the hospital. Stay awake sir." Another policeman begged.

"He's so cold. He's so pale." Aurora noticed. "Darling, stay awake, stay..." She added before pausing. 

His eyes froze on her. His lips a pale blue.

"Gregory? Gregory??? GREGORY???" She screamed her hands so covered in his blood looked as if she had on crimson colored opera gloves.

Then one little puff of air was done.

Constable Gregory Reigns was dead.

Monday, November 18, 2024

B6/Ch10: LUNAE MALUM, Prt. 1

Father Ryan, Fatima & The Villagers gather at Dusk 

Everything seemed so perfect. 

A cool fresh summer night with not a single cloud in the sky. The villagers all gathered in Village Park under long strands of glimmering bulbs that hung from streetlamps that bordered the large tree-filled park. 

Children played funny moon themed games. Ladies sat in groups of 4 and 5 gossiping about the latest village news--that of course included the Lord family and their constant drama. Gentlemen in top hats and long black coats smoked and cracked jokes while music placed in the center of it all by a large orchestra supplying the soundtrack.

Everything seemed perfect, just as the moon slowly rose over the far-off horizon where it's full face would soon baith them all in it's gray light supplied by the sunken sun.

Off in the distance, almost as if they were hiding who they were, Father Donavon Ryan and Fatima Braga arrived together. Fatima covered her white hair with a black shawl hoping no one would recognize the town palm-reading fortune teller arriving with the perish priest. 

She sung the long side of the scarf around her neck allowing it to cover half her face in hopes she could somehow hide her identity and still be able to thwart anything her son Filipe was about to do in his wolf form. 

"How do we know he'll come here?" Ryan asked. 

"He'll feel the hearts beating, it'll be the pulse of the city. We've all converged here. It will be a pounding beat in his mind like the ticking of a clock." Fatima replied cryptically. 

"Dona Fatima," Ryan began as he pulled her back by the shoulder before they entered into the park "We cannot allow him to hurt anyone. Do you understand? If he's discovered-- the villagers will kill him."

Fatima lifted a brow at Father Ryan irritated. 

"You speak as if it hasn't crossed my mind. I want to stop him as much as you do, Padre Donavao, but we have to find him first." Fatima replied using his Portuguese name. 

Father Ryan nodded and released his hand from her shoulder. She swung the hanging shawl once again around her face and head and together they entered Village Park hoping Filipe, in his wolf form would come and they could somehow stop him before calamity struck. 


Innocent victims hunted at twilight 

Across town, near the edge of town on a street that led up a hill to small houses that clung to a bluff  overlooking the rocky coast, two women walked together on their way to Village Park.

They were young ladies smartly dressed for the celebration. The night was to be full of energy and life just as they were. As they headed down the quiet darkened road they laughed over stories of the gentlemen they had in their lives. 

They basked in the silly jokes of youth and the gentle things of their summer evening stroll arm-in-arm. 

It was so quiet this night that the tapping of their boots echoed on the cobble stones streets between their giggles and then — another sound.

The odd sudden rustling behind them made one of the women yank her friend back and stopped them dead in the street.

"What was that?" She asked.

"What was what?" The other woman wondered still giggling over the story she just heard. 

The first woman, a blond, lifted the rim of her hat slightly and looked off into the distance where she could see the glow of town square and Village Park. 

"Nothing." the blond replied, shaking off the shills she received up her spin.

They continued to walk all the while something rustled in the bushes behind them and ducked under trees and hid behind buildings as the friends got deeper into the village. 

"So what do you think of that Evie story in Baxter's column the other day?" The dark haired lady asked.

"Oh it’s all just silly stories, don't you think?" The blond replied.

“My father has always said the Lords were hiding something about themselves inside those walls at Tirymor, maybe Sebastian’s weird lust for blood is the answer.” The dark haired woman said giggling at the absurdity of it all.

“Evie’s become …” the blond stopped mid-sentence as a suddenly rustling of brush began again off the side of the street. 

“There it is again.” The dark haired woman said in a whisper.

“Come on.” The blonde replied yanking on the dark haired woman’s arm. “Let’s get to town before we…”

Then without a single second of allowance for the blonde to finish her sentences, in a whip of air a blur of black and gray leaped in front of the the two young village women. It was Filipe the in vicious wolf form. 

The women screamed at the sight of his hungry gaping jaws that dripping with saliva and fury. His giant paw passed across one woman’s face and without her noticing her screaming suddenly stopped and turned to a gurgle sound — her throat had been slashed. 

The dark-haired woman, who didn't finish her sentence, grabbed on to her blond friend’s bleeding and limp body and tried to go back up the hill. She dug her nails into the blonde’s arm cutting into the exposed skin: a fear fell over both women the likes they’d never felt before in all their lives.

The blonde passed out and slumped to the ground as the wolf circled his prey. 

He growled deeply and sniffed the blood in the air.

“Get back! GET BACK!” The dark haired woman screamed as she slipped in the friends’a blood.

But it was too late, they'd met their end, Filipe Braga, the wolf of the full moon, pounced and slaughtered the two innocent women right in the center of the street, ripping them apart.

They lay there, the happy party dresses soaked in blood, dead and silent. 

No more happy stories of the men they loved. No more smiles and giddy girlish skipping down a cobble stone street. 

Father Ryan's fear of death had come true again-- and the body count was mounting. 


Nightfall, Evie & Matthew run into Lucas 

Back in Village Square, Evie, Matthew arrived together in a state of wonder at all the people and festivities all around them. The Village Square and Park was completely turned into a sparking world of lights and happiness that emitted an energy that the three had never felt before.

It didn't help that as the duo walked in, all eyes were on the couple who seemingly defied the odds of fate and returned from being buried alive and from being lost at sea. 

"Everyone is staring." Evie noticed.

Matthew gulped. "Yes." 

"MATTHEW!!" A friendly voice called from inside the large gathering of town's people.

It was Lucas Mural.

"Lucas!" Matthew replied happily. "Lucas, this is Evie, Evie, this is Lucas. he's the one that saved me."

Evie reached over and grabbed Lucas warmly and held him. "Thank you for everything." She said. “Because of you I’ve found something very important in my life again.” 

Matthew’s eyes sparkled, Evie’s words were like music to his ears after all the hoping she’d love him again. 

"If anything Matthew has helped me more. I've come so far since I've moved here. And Matthew is to thank for that." 

"Lucas has applied for citizenship. He's been working with Lear Lockwood a few days a week making sure his citizenship paperwork goes through."

"Oh." Evie replied, the name Lear Lockwood being foul sounding to her ears.

Matthew noticed "Is something the matter?"

"Lear was the lawyer who helped Jacob and Celeste take my son from me. When I hear his name I tend to go back to realizing I don't have my son with me every day." She reminded them.

"Oh.” Lucas replied disappointedly. “He's been very kind. I wish you could meet the man I met. He's been ... well he's becoming more than my advocate really. He's becoming a close friend." 

Evie looked over at Lucas. The way he said close friend was not unfamiliar to her. She had known two other men who were seemingly as close. Close enough to be partners in life. Partners in love. Evie was quickly reminded of Dr. Andrew Kim and the story he told her of his own love story with his long-time medical partner Dr. Michael Daphne. It was a new way of looking at two people who loved each other and wanted the best for each other. She didn't understand it at first but over time she realized love was love no matter how it was generated, or where it came from, or how it was expressed between to adoring partner. 

Now Evie could see that all love was the same. 

“Well Welshport seems to be treating you much better than it did me, and I am very happy for it Lucas.” Evie said with a grin as she squeezed his hand. 

She could see the same spark in his Lucas spoke of Lear as the way Andrew spoke of Michael, the only down side was, Evie didn't trust Lear in the slightest. 

"Just keep your eye on him." Evie said with wink.

"Does he sometimes run off and hide?" Lucas joked.

"I wouldn't say that no” she laughed “I should be fair, I’ve only just fact I've just met him myself, but he's related to my in-laws and if I know anything about the family I married in to you'll want to keep both eyes wide open." Evie explained. 

Lucas grinned and took her advice "Duly noted." 

And as if summoned by the simple speaking of the name Lord, they appeared. Rebecca, Jacob, Caspian, Fabian, Cora and Little Gabriel. The entire group arriving to even more glaring eyes at the Full Moon celebration. 

Evie's eyes zeroed in on her little boy who's green eyes floated over to her in a way inexplicable. They're mother/son connection was undeniable to anyone would watched. 

Cora handed the child to Celeste and Celeste walked over to Evie who was already on her way to them. 

They met in the center of the park encircled by the entire town.

Celeste stood there, holding baby Gabriel and smiled then happily handed the child to his brith mother. 

"He's missed you." Celeste said as the crowd all chattered all around them.

"I've missed him too. So much!" Evie said kissing her baby's cheeks.

Rebecca looked on proudly, happy to see Evie and Gabriel back together.

"I've convinced Jacob to allow Gabriel to be with you tonight during the festivities. It didn't take much, he knows how important a mother and child's relationship is." Celeste noted with a thin veiled description of how Jacob relationship with his own mother was strained. 

Evie furrowed her brow "He should be with me. Period." 

"Evie, you know that we have to disentangle everything with the courts. As soon as we do that, Gabriel can be with you again." Celeste replied.

"You want me to trust you, but how can I? You were involved in taking him from me too. How am I supposed to just trust that now you've had a change of heart?" 

Celeste held in a deep sigh. She had burned this bridge with her former best friend. Not only was her marriage to Jacob incredibly problematic because of his history for tormenting Evie in the past, but Celeste had her own hand in taking Gabriel when they all believed Evie had died. 

That truth could not be erased from anyone's mind, and Celeste's word was in a ruined state. 

"All I can do is ask you to believe me, that's it. That's all I can do and I hope you remember how close we were and how much I am beginning to regret what I did." Celeste confessed. 

Evie did not reply, but as she began to turn Celeste reached for her arm and pulled her back "Wait."

Evie held on to the baby her trauma triggering the idea that Celeste would suddenly have a change of heart. 

"What do you know about Jacqueline Gray? You spoke with her the other day at Tirymor and that whole conversation made me think there was more to it than what you made ir seem.” Celeste explained 

Evie raised a brow “Celeste you think I would help you after what you’ve done?” 

“Evie you’re not a cruel person I know what I’ve done, and I truly only did it for Gabriel’s sake. Look, you may know by now that Jacqueline is romantically involved with my brother and I...” 

Evie interrupted “They're married Celeste. Married.”  

Evie’s reminder of the marriage cut though the music in park to Celeste’s ears like a bullet she gulped in the truth “well... I don't have a good feeling about her." Celeste explained. 

Seeing Celeste come off in real distress made Evie decide to take the high road and be careful with her words. She knew all too well Jacqueline’s danger and wanted nothing to do with the witch and her treachery but at the same time didn't want anyone else drawn in to Jacqueline twisted web of lies. Even if it was Celeste’s brother. 

Still, Evie needed to be careful.

"Ironically, I was just having a similar talk with Lucas over there." Evie said, turning to Matthew and Lucas still standing off to the side waiting her return. "He's become very good friends with Lear. I mentioned how I didn't trust Lear as far as I can throw him thanks to him being such a good aide to you taking my child from me. Nevertheless, I'll give you that advice too Celeste; Friend to friend -- watch Jacqueline like a hawk. Never ever let her out of your sight." 

"Why? Can you tell me why?" Celeste said, her anxiety suddenly spiking. 

Evie pursed her lips. The feeling of wanting to be honest and open filled her quickly but then she realized perhaps she could let Celeste, and the Lords fall into Jacqueline's clutches, but in reality, Evie couldn't do it. She was too honest for that.

"She has her own motives for doing whatever she does. The good things and the bad things. Just keep an eye on her -- and most of all Celeste -- don't believe everything you see with your own eyes. She's quite the magician." 

With those last strange and cryptic words, Evie walked back to Matthew and Lucas who melted over the sweet little Gabriel leaving Celeste in the center of the park with more questions than answers.

"That went well." Rebecca said coming over to her daughter in law followed by Jacob. "I'm happy you did that." She added.

"Well, my wife has a wonderful heart." Jacob replied. "She's the giver of the family. She's just given Evangeline a wonderful memory of the Full Moon festival. I'm sure tonight will be an incredible night for them." 

"For all of us." Caspian added as he came over. 

"She deserves her son. That's all." Celeste replied. 


The DeViana clan 

Off under a cluster of Village Park's large Beech trees that had strings of lights swaying in a summer breeze, Jacqueline and Johnathon sipped on sweet drinks the celebration committee provided for the festival goers. Johnathon, his mind completely locked in Jacqueline's love spell, only had eyes on her. He studied her face, the soft curve of her jaw, her tight curls of dark honey hair that fell on her shoulders. She smile, a bright light in the night that rivaled the moon's glow. 

Johnathon was completely locked in love and earlier in the day, they'd had a tryst in bed. She smirked at him under the strands of light. Her eyes began to twinkle the same color as the bulbs above their head that hung from the Park's tress. She then began to telepathically send him memories of their love making just hours ago in his bed at Tirymor House.

He could still taste her kiss. Smell her skin. She too could almost feel his body on hers the way they were in bed. The passion that flowed through their bodies was like a roaring river crashing down against ridged rocks in powerful bursts. 

"Today was...was truly one of the most amazing days I've ever experienced." The mind-controlled Johnathon said. 

"You're the amazing one." She whispered over her paper-cup of sweet tea that she purchased at a small vendor's stand.

"I've never felt like this about anyone ever in my whole life Jacqueline." He added. "I've tried to find someone just like you and then when I finally thought it would never happen, especially after what happened with Geneveive, there you were. A beautiful stranger sitting in a pub with the face of an angel and the body of a goddess."

Jacqueline felt the touch of true love in her heart, but she had to shake off that feeling. She knew her love spell was causing him to express his feelings in a way that were more in line with her magic than his true love. But it warmed her heart none the less. 

She missed Sebastian so much. This is what she wanted to hear from him and yet she could not even find him with magic and have him returned to her. Johnathon, for now, would have to do.

"There isn't any other place I'd rather be than with you here right now." She replied, lying. "And in our bed as husband and wife." She reminded him.

He leaned over and kissed her passionate. Little children passing by giggled with embarrassment and rushed off laughing while to women snickered at the public show of affection. 

Johnathon's bewitched mind could care less. He continued to kiss her like a newlywed man would to his blushing bride. 

As they kissed, a person cleared their throat alerting to their arrival. Johnathon and Jacqueline turned to see Celeste standing there with her son Fabian. 

"He wanted to come say hello to Uncle Johnny." She said. 

"Well, ol'sport! Look at you all dressed up for the festival! Are you ready to celebrate this giant moon we're going to see in a few hours?" Johnathon asked squatting down to be eye-level with his little nephew. 

The little boy squeaked with glee. 

"Look," Jacqueline began "you can already see it peeking over the kills. It's almost here." 

"You've been rather distant lately Johnny. Jacob and Rebecca aren't too happy you haven't been at the office." Celeste said.

Jacqueline shied away and stepped back. 

"I've been on my honeymoon." He replied. "I deserve that, don't I?" 

"Johnathon, you haven't even been there one day. Before you...." Celeste paused and looked at Jacquline, "got married." She said finishing her thought. 

"I love my wife. I want to be with her always. Forever. All the time. I love my wife." Johnatho said almost robotically. 

Celeste tilted her head "I know that." She replied finding his response odd. "But you have a responsibility to your family and before Rebecca decides she wants to renege on her promise to you to give you more a viable position at the company. This is what you had been wanting, isn't it?" Celeste pushed.

"He wants it." Jacqueline said. "He wants it because... well, I was going to wait to tell everyone at a different time but perhaps this is the best time to say it." 

"Say what?" Celeste wondered. 

"I love my wife." Johnathon said again in his bewitched mind. 

"I'm having our child." Jacqueline said surprising Celeste and Johnathon alike.

"You're ..." Celeste began.

"Having my baby????" Johnathon replied gleefully. 

"I am." 

Johnathon jumped in the air like a schoolboy and scooped up his new wife into his arms kissing her all over. Jacqueline's eyes glowed, but only Johnathon could see them. He was trapped, locked in an affair with a woman who did not love him. She was using him for protection. She was using his connection to Sebastian's family to keep herself near the man she truly loved, and Johnathon was the key to unlock that door. 

The icy vibe Celeste shot her way at their every interaction signaled that Celeste would do what she could to split them up, no matter how powerful a spell Johnathon was trapped in. A true loving sister would and could break it if she tried hard enough. But a baby-- a baby changed everything.

"I'm early, but I know that I'm having your brother's baby. And I cannot wait for Fabian to have a little cousin." Jacqueline said. 

"Come!" Johnathon said grabbing Jacqueline's hand. "Let's tell everyone!" 

The two quickly ran off and told every person they encountered at the park that they were newlyweds and were having a child sometime that next year -- a sprig baby. 

Jacob walked over to a seething Celeste. He picked up his son who looped his little arms around his father's muscular neck. 

"Now what." Jacob grumbled to Celeste. 

Staring out into the dimly lit Park with hundreds of celebrating Weslportonians, Celeste told her husband the news. "You're going to be an uncle.... again." 

Jacob rolled his eyes. 

"What do we do about that?" She asked.

Jacob turned to his wife, he had seen this devious side from her before but never aimed at her own brother Johnathon, but Celeste realized Jacqueline was something else-- she had swept into Johnaton's life and twisted her way into the family for an unknown reason. They had no idea her true motives, but now a child was involved and that would link Johnathon to Jacqueline forever. 

"Is this a real question or are you asking me rhetorically? Because I can give you an answer for both." Jacob replied as he cuddled with 5-year-old son in his arms. 

"She cannot have his child. I can't allow that. He's not ready." She replied.

"Ah," Jacob replied. "So, you want a real answer. I want you to take tonight and forget about all of this Johnathon business. We'll deal with him after the festival. Enjoy tonight my love because tomorrow is a new day, a new moon and we'll deal with whatever this Jacqueline Grey has done to dear old Johnny. Trust me, I can take care of all of it." 

Jacob kissed his wife on the cheek. She remained silent but as he walked away with Fabian, back to where his mother and Caspian were, he left Celeste alone under the group of Beech trees wondering what it was she had just requested of her husband- a man known to murder his own family members. 

She might have just made the biggest mistake of her life. 



Celeste stood alone now under the Beech trees watching her husband go back into the celebrating crowd holding their little boy.

In the brush...something stirred.

It watched Celeste whose mind was occupied with worry over her brother and his new wife. There was movement in the brush behind her. She turned hearing the cracking of branches and crushing of leaves by something clearly large.

"Who's there?" Celeste asked. "Come out! I hear you."

The prowler did nothing but watch in the shadows. Its yellow eyes hidden in the dark.

It was the wolf, Filipe, sniffing the air, hungry for more human flesh.

Celeste slowly walked over to the bushes thinking a child or some random Lord family gawker was watching her and her husband Jacob as they spoke. 

She stepped closer and closer to the shadowy bushes under the Beech trees and reached over to pull back some of the brush hoping to see what it was that was watching her so secretly.

She pulled back a fish full of branches and revealed nothing but a hiding raccoon that scurried off into the other side of the brush.

Filipe, the wolf, still hidden to Celeste's right side hid. His psyche would not attack the woman he once loved for over 10 years. Celeste turned and the wolf slowly made his way over to the other side of the park sparing Celeste's life.


Jacob & Fabian see Donavon & Fátima 

Later that night, walking back into the crowd, Jacob and Fabian ran into a shrouded Fatima and Father Ryan who both grew increasingly worried about the entire situation. Everyone in town was in Village Park, to the hunting wolf, they were sitting ducks awaiting his vicious jaws to rip them all to shreds. 

Jacob, ever the keen observer, noticed their nervous demeanor. 

"Well, good evening, Father Ryan, I didn't think someone of your stature would grace the Village for such a silly occasion as a full moon." Jacob said turning to the shawl covered Fatima. "And who may I ask is....Oh..."

"Good evening Mr. Lord, and young Fabian, I know you know Ms. Braga." Father Ryan said feeling odd for showing up to the celebration with the town Fortune teller.

"Palm readers at the Full Moon Festival, yes, The perish Preist? No." Jacob joked.

"Fatima is an old friend." Father Ryan noted. "And a parishioner." He added. "We were, uh, at Saint Catherine's and I decided to walk her over."

"Is that so?" Jacob asked clearly detecting a lie. "And how are you finding the night's party Mrs. Braga?"

Fatima did not want to speak but she also wanted to throw Jacob off their clearly nervous energy. The wolf could sense fear but Jacob could sense a lie from a mile away. 

Like knew like. 

"Charming." Fatima said. "How are your children, Mr. Lord. I haven't seen your Charlotte and the Thorne boy with you in town in a very long time."

Jacob smirked seeing Fatima trying his patience, then lifted a brow "Morgan of course, poor chap, has his own issues dealing with his mother Genevieve’s sudden departure to parts unknown but he's doing nicely. We've all taken to him as one of our own. Actually, I assume he's doing well, of course. He and Charlotte are with her mother. I predict they're well, but of course being a card reader you could have predicted that too? No?" 

Fatima scowled at Jacob but before she could snap back at him clear attempt to shake her wits Father Donavon Ryan interrupted.

"Well god bless then." He said.

As the small turner sour, a devilish howl echoed from beyond Village Park and cut through the music like a thunderclap in the sky. There were audible gasps. The band stopped playing. People were startled. Never had they ever heard such a bloodcurdling monstrous sound before. Not from any other native wolf of the Tirymor Forest. 

Fatima shot a look at Father Ryan.

"Mr. Lord, enjoy the night, and please be careful." Father Ryan said excusing himself and grabbing Fatima by the arm as they walked off. 

"He's coming." Fatima whispered.  

Jacob watched them as they walked away and wondered who "he" was. 


Peter, Laurel, Rebecca, Caspian, Aurora & Gregory 

Dr. Ward and his wife Laurel stood at a booth where children were enjoying the company of small goats and lambs. It was a sweet moment in a tense time. Their granddaughter Samantha, just a sweet little 4-year-old child with curly blond hair, could stand being held in Laurel's arms another second with the adorable lambs in front of her.

"Alright, alright, stop wiggling." Laurel said allowing little Samantha some space to pet a lone lamb laying in the booth. 

"She's quite beautiful." Caspian said walking up to the Wards with Rebecca.

"Very." Rebecca added.

"Hello." Laurel smiled, surprised to her old friend.

"Are you both enjoying the evening? I was excepting it to be a little cooler but the summer night has proven itself to be quite nice." Dr. Ward said.

"Oh, absolutely wonderful." Caspian added.

Small talk between the four went well. They spoke of the evening and how this special Full Moon Festival was different than the last since it was the first of the summer season. Laurel and Rebecca, two very old friends, joked about their times here at the festival as young ladies. They'd pit boys against each other for their affections and then leave them stranded with neither of the girls choosing any of them to court. The happier times before they were married. Before Rebecca was a Lord. Before Laurel was her handmaid and before the terrible tragedy of little Vivi's death and Rebecca becoming barren. 

Happier times were always easier to talk about than the dark days.

But soon, as the happy memories filled their minds, a rain cloud in the form of Constable Gregory Reigns and Aurora Jordan entered the fray.

"Happy full moon." Aurora said, unsure of how to frame the festival as it was her first.

"Mrs. Jordan, Constable! How are you both?" Laurel asked. 

"Well, thank you Mrs. Ward." Reigns replied. 

Ward stared at Reigns, his mind rushing back to his plot with Nik to find Asha who, they believed, was being held by Reigns somewhere. Ward wanted to confront him, force him to tell them where Asha was. He was furious that he had to stand there and pretend that everything was fine when he knew nothing was fine. Asha was not away somewhere with a sick mother. Asha was being held, somewhere, by Reigns and no one could know the truth until Nik was able to sneak in.

"It's so good of you to come out Mrs. Jordan, I know that things have been rather stressed in the Jordan Household." Caspian said.

Aurora sighed, unsure how to address Caspian-- the man who at one time was possessed by a demon that tricked her mind and made her believe she was making love to Gregory and in turn, got her pregnant. Could she stand there and have small talk with a man she did not trust or even like? 

She relented, and for the sake of everyone watching around them, swallowed her pride.

"We're just glad everything is now changing for the better, at least we hope." Aurora said, referencing Evie's return from the grave alive. 

"We do too." Caspian answered. "Change for the good is all we can pray for." He added.

"You pray Caspian?" Gregory asked with a hint of sarcasm given Caspian's devilish history. 

But before he could answer, Rebecca changed the uncomfortable topic back to Aurora's children, but not before giving Gregory an icy stare. 

"I've seen Evie, but not Nikolas, is Dr. Jordan working?" Rebecca asked changing the subject.

"Actually, no I can't seem to--- " Aurora began before being interrupted by Dr. Ward. 

"-- Yes! He is." 

"Is he?" Reigns asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately, we had to ask him to come in since Dr. Hoffman has left Welshport." Ward said keeping up appearances.

Gregory squirmed. 

"Has she?  That’s a shame. A young female doctor is such a wonderful push into a diverse future, what a loss for Welshport Hope." Rebecca said.

"Yes, apparently her mother was ill, and she had to rush off to be with her. Isn't that right Constable?" Ward asked, pushing Gregory to keep up his own lie. 

"I don't know, if you say so?" Gregory returned.

"Well, I know you too were very good friends, I would have assumed she told you she was leaving. Did she not?" Ward grilled.

"I haven't spoken to Asha in a while, and she doesn't have to tell me when she leaves and when she returns. We're friends but she owes me nothing." Gregory replied with an lifted brow. 

"Nik must be very sad she left." Laural added.

"They've gotten so close, and he didn't mention it to me, how odd." Aurora added.

"Perhaps it hurt too much." Rebecca said.

"No, actually, she sent a very strange, typed letter to the hospital explaining her departure which both Nik and I looked over. Very abrupt, in my opinion. Does that sound like something she'd do Constable?" Ward pushed.

"Again, Doctor, I am not her keeper. She is free to do as she likes. I hope her mother is well, that's all." 

Ward's eyes narrowed. He knew this was all lies. All of it. But he could not say another word. His wife, Laurel, noticed the odd pushing from her husband but would wait to grill him herself later. 

"Yes, I agree, she helped me when the baby was born, and I will forever be grateful for that. I hope her mother gets well soon." Aurora said, Caspian felt his heart sink at mention of the child he helped conceived even if he didn't remember it.

Rebecca looked over at her new husband-- she saw his eyes link with Aurora's at mention of the birth. His eyes were soft, somewhat watery. He was emotional and hurt and Rebecca sensed it. The link, the tie, that bound Caspian and Aurora they all believed did not survived but it had. 

The child they all thought died at birth lived-- with Mary on Goode Island, the dark secret Gregory was so adamite in keeping secret and the whole reason Asha was locked away in his house. 

"Well, let's all just enjoy the evening. The moon is already half risen, look!" Laurel said pointing to the moon as it was now just about 1/4 of the way directly above them. 

Samantha rushed over and they all looked up into the sky with little binoculars telescopes awaiting its full rise. 

Gregory, for his part, looked off into the distance into town where he was hiding Asha. Dr. Ward noticed -- and seethed with anger watching the liar stand there and pretend everything was fine. 


Evie, Matthew, Gabriel and Lucas sat on a blanket towards the center of the park. They were giggling and laughing doing all they could to enjoy the night bundled up together at the festival and pretending to ignore the very eager on-lookers watching their every move.

One onlooker could resist walk up to them... it was Baxter Murphy himself, The Welshport Globe's writer with the poison pen who'd written the awful article blaming Sebastian for the deaths of the two fisher men the night before. 

"Mrs. Lord, Mr. Winterborn, good evening, Baxter Murph---" He began before being interrupted.

"We know who you are." Matthew said standing up to Baxter. "What do you want?"

Before Baxter could answer a photographer snapped a picture, leaving Evie and Gabriel seeing spots from the bright flash.

Matthew grabbed the man's camera. 

"HEY!!" The photographer barked.

"Matthew, no." Evie said.

"We just want a little quote for the paper, Mrs. Lord, no harm no foul." Baxter replied, grabbing Matthew's arm and pulling it off the camera. "That's Globe property, meaning that Lord property. I would catch a lawsuit so soon after returning from your own watery grave, sir." Baxter added with a snide eye. 

Evie wrapped a blanked around the baby and stood up to face Baxter. She stared at him, their eyes locking. He was craving interaction with her. This was his moment, the moment he had been waiting for all this career, a minute of time with someone he'd written about and hopefully she'd give him a little juicy story for his next column. 

"I don't know where you get off lying to your readers, Mr. Baxter, but you're doing them all a disservice. Nothing you've written about Sebastian is true, and you know that. He had nothing to do with those deaths and he's not some kind of creature we're hiding somewhere. It's ridiculous. No one believes you." Evie said.

"No one." Matthew added.

"The thing is Mrs. Lord, I think they do believe me. Maybe Sebastian isn't the kind of creature that haunts their dreams at night but we all know something is wrong with him." Baxter replied.

"He's dead Baxter, he's dead." Evie snapped back.

Baxter sniffed and looked around. Everyone in the park near them was staring. The camera man snapped more pictures. He leaned in to Evie, her skin felt as if it were crawling, she could smell the cigarette smoke on his breath "No one believes that." he whispers. "And some day, it'll all come out." 

Evie did not reply.

"Get out of here." Matthew said as Lucas stood up and backed up his friend. 

They were a wall together, Matthew, Evie and Lucas and Baxter smiled seeing that he'd made his mark and his point. He shrugged off the icy reception they'd given him and handed Evie his card. 

"If you'd ever like to clear the air, anytime, just give me a call or come by. You know where I work." Baxter said with a wink. Evie took the card and ripped it up in his face. Baxter smiled and motioned to the photographer to back off as the two went back into the crowed.

Outside the park, still watching every single movement was Filipe the Wolf. 

As Baxter walked away, standing with Jacob, Celeste, Lear, Rebecca and Caspian was Cora Taylor: Baxter's sister. She watched as her brother smugly walked around the crowed of Welsportonians and felt her stomach in knots. It was her fault he'd written that about Sebastian. It was all her fault, she thought to herself. 


Nik accidentally sets a fire

As everyone in the village celebrated in Village Park awaiting the hour where the full moon was highest in the sky directly over the island and fireworks would go off, music would play and dancing and libations would continue, Nik Jordan was dipping in and out of cast shadows and sneaking into Gregory Reigns home in hopes to find Asha.

Nik knew that the Constable's office below Gregory's apartment would be open, it always was. He peeked into the glass of the front door and noticed there wasn't anyone in the office. 

It was odd. He thought he'd encounter at least one person, but his luck came in. All the other police were in the Village Square at the celebrations.

Nik slid into the office. The floors creaked his every step. He quickly walked over to the staircase that lead up to Gregory's third floor apartment but just before he ran up the fourth step remembered the strange lettering of the typewriter that wrote Asha's goodbye letter.

Nik quickly went back down the staircase and saw that each of the four desks in the office had a typewriter. He went to the first and pull off the top cover to see if the internal key of the letter 'A' was off center.

It was not.

Then the second typewriter -- the same. The letter 'A' was fine.

As were the third and fourth machine.

None of the downstairs typewriters wrote the letter.

Feeling he would find something upstairs, Nik dashed back up the staircase to the third floor and found himself staring at Gregory Reigns door.

He could hear the excitement coming from down in the village. The fun. The happiness. The music.

Inside all he wanted to do was bust the door down and get Asha, if she were there, and take her away.

No matter what she did, how many times she lies, he did care for her deeply and if she were being held captive as he suspected, he wanted to be sure she got out alive.

Nik crouched down and began to pick the lock of the apartment. It took several times but finally the satisfying click of the unlatched lock sounded, and Nik turned the knob and entered the apartment.

He looked around the front room. It was dimly lit by the lantern Gregory had left glowing on a side table. Nik walked slowly and quietly hoping he would find proof that Asha had been there. He searched for a garment of clothes, an extra coffee mug, a piece of forgotten jewelry. Something Anything.

And as he searched, he saw a desk in a dark corner with a typewriter. He rushed over, pulled off the cover and there it was. The off-center letter 'A'.

Proof. Gregory must of written the letter posing as Asha.

Nik knew now, she was there. Somewhere.

As he walked through the front room and over into a small hallway to the back rooms, his right foot hit the leg of the side table with the lantern and the lantern fell over burning slowly on the floor.

Nik did not notice.

He continued on into the house opening doors: A bathroom. A bedroom. A hall closet. Every door he opened he called out for Asha to no response.

At first.

Finally he entered the main bedroom towards the back of the third floor apartment.

The lantern in the living room began to burn more and more. The flames that followed the leaking lamp oil crawled across the burning liquid and caught a carpet. The flames lit up the room and smoke began to fill all around.

"ASHA!?" Nik said in the bedroom, still not noticing the front room was on fire.

Asha heard Nik. She began to struggle. She began to move around on the brass bed and using all the sound her gagged mouth could make to make him hear her in the secret room behind the secret closet door. She rocked her body back in forth on the bed, banged with her shoes on the brass foot board.

Nik felt the walls hearing this. He kept calling for her. Begging her to continue to make noise. He opened the closet. Asha's noises were louder. Nik pulled back all of the clothes hanging on the rod. The scratching of the hangers got louder and louder as he got closer to the secret door. Asha could hear he was close.

She continued to move around and make noise. 

Nik saw the door. He felt with his hands to find where to open it, finally, a latch. He pulled it open

Inside Asha on the bed tied and gagged.

"OH MY GOD!!" Nik said, rushing over to her.

Nik began to untie Asha, he untied the and removed the gag and she reached over and hugged and kissed him.

"Oh Nik, I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry for everything!" She said crying hysterically.

"Come on, we don't have..." Nik began to say before stopping mid-sentence when he smelled smoke. "Smoke."

Asha sniffed the air "I smell it too." 

They both got up from the room and when they went through the secret door inside the closet, the bedroom was filled with thick black smoke from the fire.

"FIRE!!!" Nik shouted.

Nik grabbed a the cover of the bed and threw it over Asha and himself. They quickly made their way through the darkening smoke filled hallway and into the front room the was completely engulfed in flames.

"We can't get out!!" She screamed.

"There must be a back way." Nik shouted over the loud licks of hot flames battering their bodies from the room.

"Its so hot." Asha said. 

"Come on!" Nik shouted pulling her towards the burning kitchen. "THERE!" he said, noticing a back door.

"There's too much fire!" Asha shouted.

"We have to..." Nik again began to speak but the fire was so intense in the front room the ceiling began to fall. Beams of wood tumbled from the top, huge amounts of embers filled the adjoining kitchen rushing Asha and Nik's face and body.

"Cover your face!" Nik shouted.

"There's too much!" Asha shouted again, as she started to put out small flames on the blanket covering them with her hand. 

"We have to go!" Nik shouted. "Take my hand, and on the count of three throw the blanket and run towards the door.

Asha nodded.

"1....2....3!!!" Nik shouted and as they went to the back kitchen door they leaped over fire from the burning floor catching on to the hem of Asha's dress.

Just as Nik grabbed the kitchen doorknob that led to an exterior staircase to the street, the kitchen ceiling caved in all around them in an avalanche of burning cinders, ash and flames.

Monday, November 11, 2024


Dr. Ward informs Nik of Asha’s departure 

Dr. Nikolas Jordan's life could be described in one word: complicated. He was in love with a woman, Dr. Asha Hoffman, who's deceptive nature had threatened their relationship on several occasions but her most glaring and harmful crime was being open to blackmail by Constable Gregory Reigns which effected Nik and his family directly.

Nik stood at a nurse's station at Welshport Hope Hospital glazing over the words on the pages as his mind drifted off wondering where Asha could really be. She had vanished in the middle of the night only leaving a mysterious note that she had a family emergency. Bur Nik knew the truth, she had vanished because of scheme to hide the child Nik's mother Aurora gave birth to; a scheme cooked up and orchestrated by Aurora's lover Gregory Reigns. 

Their confession, secretly overheard by Nik one day at the hospital, left a hole in his heart filled only by anger towards those responsible. Now, he contemplated telling his mother the truth but needed to gather true proof to do so. 

"Penny for your thoughts, young Dr. Jordan." Dr. Peter Ward said as he approached Nik handing him a white envelope with the words To Dr. Ward written on the front. 

"What's this?" Nik asked.

"Its from Dr. Hoffman. She had this note sent to me. It's her mother, she's ill after all and Asha has returned to her home to care for her." Dr. Ward explained.

Nik opened the envelope and read the note. It was typed.

"A resignation." Nik noted. "She didn't sign it."

Dr. Ward lifted a brow "Exactly." 

"This doesn't make any sense, Dr. Ward, she never once mentioned her mother may or may not have been ill. In fact I don't think she had spoken to her family in a very long time. They'd been over sears for a long time. I don't think they were even in America." 

"I feel the same way. It's very unlike her not to have said anything to me and even you about anything face to face. A letter, typed, doesn't feel like Dr. Hoffman in the slightest. That being said, what's going on? I can see it in your face now. I've noticed it in your body language here at work since Asha left. What is it you're not telling me." Ward wondered. 

Nik shook his head and looked away. He didn't even know where to begin but Dr. Ward had become such a good confidant and mentor that he knew he could trust him -- it also helped the Ward had noticed Nik had his mind floating off into the darkness of his concerns. 

"A few weeks ago I came upon Asha and Constable Reigns speaking in private. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but what I heard them speaking about forced me to stay and listen." Nik explained.

Dr. Ward furrowed his brow in worry "What was it?" 

Nik looked around and motioned for Dr. Ward to move to a more secluded area of the hospital lobby where they could speak. 

"Asha was furiously telling Reigns that she wanted to come clean about something they did but Reigns told her if she did, he'd expose her for something she did that involved him." Nik explained in a strange way.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Jordan, I don't follow."

Nik sighed realizing he'd have to reveal everything he knew and bringing out all of Asha's secrets to the surface. 

"Asha once worked for Dr. Andrew Kim, I'm sure you remember him from Windcliff. Apparently Dr. Kim was Asha's biological father's psychiatrist at Windcliff many years ago. Experiments were done on him by Kim and those experiments proved fatal. He was killed. Asha, in return, came to work for Kim years later and somehow convinced Gregory that Kim was responsible for the attack on Jacob Lord and Christian Evans in the park when they were both shot and almost died. Gregory believed whatever bogus evidence Asha brought and although he was a man of many crimes, Kim was innocent of the crime of attempted murder. As time went on Reigns and Asha remained friendly, we all know that. But when it came time for my mother to give birth to the child she conceived with Caspian, Gregory called in a favor with Asha. Gregory wanted nothing to do with my mother's last connection to Caspian Casador. Gregory forced Asha to deliver the baby and together they told my mother her child was dead and Asha had the child adopted out. Somewhere out there, my mother and Caspian's child truly lives. No one knows this. I've been having a hard time with the information myself. Asha wanted to come clean! She wanted to tell my mother the truth but Gregory threatened to expose her for what she did to Kim if she didn't keep their secret." 

"Are you saying the Constable of this town may have done something to Asha because she was about to expose what they'd done?" Warn asked finally seeing the full picture.

"I believe so, Doctor. But I can't know for sure without proof. It would make sense. He's been acting strange since Asha left." 

"If she even left at all." Ward noted.

Nik tilted his head confused "Do you think she's still in Welshport?" 

Ward shrugged "I can't say for sure, but she definitely is not with a sick mother somewhere."

"How can we contact her mother?" Nik wondered.

"Nikolas, if Gregory Reigns is involved as you say he is, we may not have time to find her mother and prove Asha not with her. Gregory is the key. He may have been the last one to see her, besides you." Ward said.

"He's done something to her, I can feel it. There was this odd sound coming from the walls in his room. I... I just feel it in my heart, Dr. Ward, she was back there. She was behind his walls. If not Asha someone was." Nik recalled.

"Behind his walls???" 

"There was a banging, rhythmic almost. Like someone behind the closet wall or inside the wall, was trying to make themsleves known. Gregory said it was old pipes but it was a clearly a lie. If Asha is still in Welshport he's got her hidden." 

"Nikolas this is beginning to sound quite dangerous. I don't know Gregory to be irrational and violent but if he feels like he is being cornered over something awful that he's done to your mother and your family and decided the only way out was to eliminate the one person who knew the secret he may lash out in a way that... well... I don't want to even imagine. We have to tread lightly here." Ward said.

Nikolas looked down at the supposed note from Asha. He folded it and put in his pants pocket. 

"I have to find Asha. She's the only one who can truly tell us what happened." Nik said.

"How are you going to do that?" Ward wondered. 

"I'm going to find her-- at Gregroy's apartment. I'll find her, free her, and we'll get it all out in the open. As soon as Gregory is out of the house, perhaps during the Full Moon Celebrations where he'll need to be in town, is when I'll sneak in."

"You must be very careful Nikolas." Ward warned.

"I will." Nik replied then removed the note in his pocket and looked at it again noticing that every time the letter "a" was typed, it was lifted slightly above the other letters in the word. This meant the "a" key on the typewriter had been bend or twisted in a way that made the typewriter distinctive. 

"If Reigns has a typewriter and this key is bent the same this could be our proof!" Nik noted. "Keep it Dr. Ward, if anything happens to me, you'll have this letter as the first stich of proof of the culprit." 

Ward took back the letter and agreed to hide it from everyone. Nik then went off to complete his patient rounds and prepare for the night when he'd break into Reigns' apartment to hopefully find Asha live and well and willing to finally tell the truth. 


Father Ryan & Fatima discuss the danger 

The villagers of Welshport all began to gather in the center of town as the sun began to dip into deep purple sky. Mothers and fathers brought picnic blankets, warm thermoses of tea, small sandwiches and metal lawn chairs that sunk slightly into the fresh summer grass. 

Binocular lenses were wiped clean of little smudges. Little boys and girls bend their necks back and gazed up into the darkening sky hoping for a first glimpse of the coming full moon.

The town had decorated all over Village Park by stringing banners along long roped light bulbs that burned deep orange inside their little glass orbs. There was an excitement in the evening air as the time ticked away closer and closer to when the moon would be at it's peak above the village and island of Welshport when the summer festivities would finally begin -- a celebration of a harvest moon. 

Cars began to drop off people from all corners of the island. 

The cool night air, not uncommon in early summer, swept across the park swaying the trees back and forth, and standing at the distance at her small little parlor door where she had for many years told the fortunes of supernaturally curious villagers was a deeply concerned Fatima Braga in a midnight black dress with her head covered in a finely knitted shawl. 

She stared off into the distance towards the park of happy town's people still so eager to see the moon's high rise. 

"Sister Inez, you look concerned." A friendly voice said off to Fatima’s peripheral. 

She turned to see Father Donavon Ryan who always called her by her name when she was a catholic nun. 

"I'm glad you've come." She sighed, revealing she'd actually sent for him. "Tonight is the night." She added standing to one side and motioning for the priest to enter her home.

"I don't know if I can go in, Sister. When Sister Claudia told me you’d sent a note for me to meet you here, I had this feeling … and frankly, I've done enough damage here in this town dealing with beasts that come in the night." 

"Padre," Fatima began using the Portuguese word for priest, "this is no time for you step away from your duties as a man of God. We need you. We need God." She replied.

Father Ryan seemed surprised of his reluctance, of course they needed God. And for what it was worth, inside, Donavon realized they may need more than God himself to quell the darkness growing inside of Filipe. 

"He rests comfortably, I've been able to keep him that way for many days, except now in the coming hours of the full moon, I won't be able to keep him from a full transition. You see, the other night, during the quarter moon, he escaped." Fatima explained closing the front door behind her and removing the shawl from her head. "He was the killer of the fisherman, not this nonsense the papers are spewing." 

"I figured as much." Donavon replied turning to the basement door where Filipe was being held. "There’s nothing I believe about Sebastian Lord being alive and a killer, some kind of ripper from the unknown. I’ve seen evil head on, and it’s not Sebastian.” He added turning to the basement door. “What should we expect? I don't quite know what I’ll find." 

"Neither do I, to be honest." 

Father Ryan sighed "I'm afraid I don't know what I can do here, this is a much more complicated situation than Caspian Casador was. I know nothing of what controls Filipe now. The demon inside of Caspian at least was known to us because of where it came from. This situation seems... like a warping of nature more than a dissolution of a spirt." 

"Whatever we can do together will help, I'm sure of it." 

They both began to make their way to the basement when suddenly, loud noises came from deep below the floorboards under their feet. The energy of the sound was so intense both Faitma and Donavon could feel the vibrations on the bottoms of their feet through their shoes. 

Father Ryan crossed himself and removed a rosary from his pocket. 

"The clock....." Fatima noticed. 

The clock on her wall, a large wooden clock from Portugal and a golden face with thin brass hands that marked the hour. The pendulum was a golden stick with a hummingbird on the tip that swayed back and forth but now, at the hour the full moon was set to rise it had completely stopped swaying and the hour and minute hands of the clock wound backwards then forwards in opposite of each other--- round and round making no sense of marking the time. 

Fatima walked closer to the clock to get a better look but suddenly was stopped in her tracks by the ungodly sound coming from the basement. Her nephew --- or the son she gave up to her brother and his wife to raise as her nephew-- screamed in pain as the bones in his body began to once again stretch and bend to compensate for the creature the moon ordered him to turn in to.

The hair on his body once again thickened and gathered all over. His law stretched longer creating the snout of a wolf. The irises of his eyes depend in color and the pupil went from black round marble to a slid in the center of a yellow sea. 

Filipe roared a deep roar that Fatima and Donavon could feel shake their guts. 

Fatima backed away from the basement door and reached for Father Ryna's hand.

"It's early. It's too early. The moon hasn't even hit it's peak yet!" Fatima explained. 

After several minutes of loud rumblings and things being thrown in the basement Fatima felt confident that her restraints would hold. The beast was somehow changing Filipe earlier than she had expected and it was forcing the man's body to bend in twist while tide up by chains. 

As Fatima and Father Ryan stood in the center of her living room only 10 feet from the basement door praying the chain restraints would hold there came a silence in the entire house.

Fatima and Ryan lifted their heads while in prayer and remained in silence.

It was deadly quiet. 

Nothing moved. Fatima and Father Ryan stood frozen hand in hand too frightened to make a move hoping the monster was asleep and that the most dangerous moment had already passed.


The clock began to click again correcting it's time.

More silence. 

Fatima released her hand from Father Ryan's and slowly made her way towards the basement door. One foot after the other careful not to make too much noise over the wooden floors of her small house and fortune telling parlor. The hem of her skirt skidded across the floor making a scratching sound that almost matched the cadence of the ticking clock.

She reached for the doorknob. 

Closer and closer she got and when she was only an inch from the golden doorknob that led downstairs to the sleeping monster the door burst open banging Fatima in the face throwing her backwards and the monster leapt up from the basement stairwell snarling and foaming at the mouth. 

He was massive, his muscles huge. His fangs long and ready to rip the flesh from the bone of anything it came in contact with. Fatima was out cold, thrown to the other side of the room, her forehead bleeding from flying debris from the broken door.

Father Ryan stood in the room like a statue. His breathing shallow. Her mouth and eyes wide open, he had no ability to scream -- the fear was that deep. He thought to himself "Don't make a single move."

Filipe, the wolf, walked on all fours but it looked like no animal Father Ryan had ever seen. The body was like a giant wolf, but it bent and hunched over with a large thick spink poking through a hairy back. The ears were smaller and resembled those of a wolf but still somewhat human in shape with a small, elongated tip. 

The creature sniffed around. Slowly walked to Father Ryan who stood in fear and did not make a move. But the terror made him drop this rosary beads to the hard wood floors. The wolf turned to look and what made the sound, and in a flash, he turned in and went to Ryan and howled a horrible sound that blew spit and hot air all over Father Ryna's face and head.

The clock struck 9:00pm and the now complete hairy beast of a wolf dashed through the house and into the kitchen and burst through the back door, as if he were flying, sped into the night devoured by the shadowy evening. 

Filipe in full wolf-form escaped into the thickets of surrounding forest and vanished. 

Father Ryan quickly made his way over to Fatima and tapped her cheeks to wake her.

"He's gone, Inez, he's gone!!" Father Ryan said again referring to her as her former Nun's name.

"What? What?" Fatima said, trying to come to. "Filipe? He's gone?" She asked finally making eye contact with Father Ryan.

The priest nodded his head and pointed towards the destroyed back door in the kitchen that led into a dark night. 

Fatime stood up and rushed to the back door trampling over broken wood and shards of glass. She looked out into the night and right before she screamed his name realized it was futile.

"He's gone." She said, almost identically as Father Ryan did.

"What do we do now?" 

Fatima turned to her parish priest and walked back over with solemn face. She saw his rosary beads on the floor and reached for them. She balled them up in the palm of her hand and gave them back to Father Ryan and answered with "Pray, Padre Ryan, we pray."

"My God!" Father Ryan said looking passed Fatima and out the window towards Village Park where families and town's people were continuing to gather in the night.

"The festival, he's out during the festival!" 

Fatima gasped and grabbed the shawl from the floor and wrapped again around her head and neck. 

"Come!" She said grabbing Father's Ryan's hand and quickly making their way out of Fatima's house and out into the night under the orange burning bulbs of town's square in hopes to thwart and deaths Filipe's cursed wolf mind had instore for all in Village Square. 


Gregory and Asha in the secret room 

Further down the street, across from Village Hall inside the apartment above the Constable's Office, Gregory Reigns kneeled next to Asha Hoffman who had been tied and gagged to a bed inside a tiny secret room hidden in the walls.

He contemplated ending her -- her guilty conscious for what they did to Aurora's child weighed on her far more than anything she had ever done. The liability in keeping Asha alive was treacherous. 

"They all think you've gone away know." Reigns said in a hushed voice. "I've made sure that they think you won't return. Nik, Peter... everyone. It's all buttoned up now." 

A single tear fell from Asha's eye. She could feel it was the end. It was too painful to allow herself to go into that emotion but there it was staring her in the face. 

"I just want you to know that this wasn't what I had in mind. I never, and would never, hurt anyone. Those days are behind me. I learned my lesson. Being with Aurora really taught me how to love and hurting people as I did in my past -- well, I want it to stay there. In my past." Gregory explained, hinting at his past life as a witch hunter, the same one that hunted Eliza Goode for decades. 

Asha mumbled something which the gag prevented from being understood. 

"If I remove this, and you scream, the end will come faster than it needs to, do you understand?" Gregory warned. 

She nodded; he removed the gag slowly.

"Gregory, listen to me." She began in a soft voice. "This does not have to be this way. We can change what has happened!" 

Gregory scoffed. "We can't."

"But we can! What if we came up with a different plan. Maybe we can come up with something that makes Aurora believe we too were mixed up in something and that someone else did this. Whatever it takes. I'll do anything." Asha begged.

"That's just it, Asha, you will do anything. I've seen it for myself. What you did to Andrew Kim was my first inclination that you would do just about anything to seek retribution for a wrong that was done. That's why I kept your secret. Don't you see? I knew all along you lied about Andrew being the one who shot Jacob and Christian. But I didn't care. Jacob is a monster. Christian had lost his mind and as for Andrew, well, he got what he deserved for what he did to all those patients at Windcliff. Justice came to him in a different form. And so here we are. I scratched your back and you scratched mine."

Asha felt at a loss. Gregory was so far gone from his true self. She had no idea why he was doing it, why he would risk his own freedom by destroying her. But then, like a flash to her mind, she realized the power of love and how it could overtake even the kindness person and draw them into a place so dark that not a single ray of light could touch if someone should threaten it. 

She'd been there too. Her love for Nik made her keep secrets. Her love for Nik made her lie to him. Her love for Nik made her forget right from wrong at times and now she was paying the price for her own misguided attempts to keep the truth from Nik -- and keep him for herself. Her karma now, was being handed out in a way she almost couldn't have planned herself.

"We can change everything." She said again softly.

"No." He said without missing a beat of thought. "It's too far gone. I can't trust you not telling Nikolas or Aurora what we did to her son. That child holds too much power in her heart and a connection to Caspian that I just can't live with, and deep down inside she couldn't either. I saved all of us from more heartache. That's the end of it. And soon," he paused. 

"Soon what?" She asked. 

"You'll meet your end too." He replied sadly.

Then, Asha heard voices coming from downstairs in the Constables office. It was the night watchmen chatting about the Full Moon Celebrations happening down the street at the park. A split-second decision of a scream for help from Asha made Reigns leap on top of her and cover her mouth.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." He said in a whisper. "I knew it. Snake!" 

He replaced the gag and stood up and stared at her. 

"I'm going now. I have to be in the square for the festival. I'll be home later tonight. You'll eat and then.... well, we'll see where that takes us." 

She didn't understand. Why didn't he just kill her. Why was he torturing her like this. If he wanted her dead, if he felt she was too dangerous to keep around why wouldn't he just finish her off. 

Asha sobbed in her secret room cell as she watched him slide the door closed and sneak out through his closet. 

He grabbed his coat and pinned his Constable Sheild to the lapel and stared at himself in the mirror half disgusted. Half proud. 

Before leaving he turned back and saw the darkness of the front room. He had had enough darkness this night, he did not want to return home late in the evening to shadows and blackness. He quickly rushed over and lit an oil lantern that hung from a silver pole over a reading chair. The yellow glow warmed his face just before he dashed out to continue his duties at the Festival of the Full Moon. 


Christopher & Genevieve onboard the Iberia 

Across the large open Atlantic Sea, on the deck of a steamer ship called The Iberia docked at Port in Liverpool, England, Christopher Wesley stared off onto the horizon towards the west where he and Geneveive Thorne were headed -- back to Welshport. 

He's green eyes sparkled as the afternoon sun danced on the waves below. He wondered what it was going to be like arriving at Welshport. What his feelings and emotions seeing that tiny little island would stir up. There was a lot locked away in his heart and mind, but Christopher felt whatever was going to happen, he was going to do it not only for Genevieve but for the people whose lives were changed forever after Jacob's vicious and murderous scheme. 

He thought about his own life and what had brought him to England from American in the first place all those years ago. He thought about the shattered family he had created and subsequently sabotaged while he was in England. The woman he was to marry. The daughter they had together. How so many families were destroyed on both sides of the Atlantic and how he was stuck in the middle of both.

He thought about Geneveive and her own son and how she had come so far. She had risked so much. She had given up her life just to help finally free the David Lord of Sabrina's murder.

Christopher wondered about David and Sabrina's son Sebastian too -- the tragic life he led after not only his mother's death but his father's disappearance. He hoped that whatever Genevieve's plans were would not tarnish his son's memories of his beloved parents. This plan would be specifically crafted to finally bring Jacob Lord to justice. Once and for all.

"Here you are." Geneveive said walked up from behind as the two met at the very tip of the ship's nose.

Christopher smiled. 

"Are you going to miss jolly ol'England?" She asked in a bad pretend English accent. 

He shrugged "Maybe. I miss America too. Its been so long since I've been home. I was just standing here thinking about that." 

"I want you to know that what you're doing for me, helping me get justice for David and Sabrina, is really selfless. It's going to be difficult and strange and it's going to take a lot of out of you but its the right thing to do. Jacob has played everyone for fools and now we're going to give him a taste of his own medicine." Genevieve said before turning to face the western waters of the sea. "We've got a long journey ahead of us." 

"For what it's worth I'm, not doing it for you or Sabrina or David." Christopher said. "I'm doing it for Sebastian." 

Genevieve turned back and saw Christopher's eyes watering after speaking Sebastian's name.

"What is it about Sebastian that made you decide to help me?" Genevieve wondered.

Christopher wasn't sure how to answer, he paused and thought for a second letting a seagull swirl above and speak for him first. A breeze caught Christopher's tears and dried them and he said "He never asked for any of this. He was just a kid. He deserved his father at home with him in the days and months after his mother died and look what happened? He was practically abandoned, left to live out the rest of his own days with the very man who took his mother's life and framed his father." 

Geneveive stared at Christopher. The way he was speaking felt odd to her, it was as if he was speaking from experience as if he were there in those days of Sabrina's murder as if he were there when Jacob began the campaign to frame Christopher.

"You feel very strongly about this, don't you." Genevieve said.

"It's just unfair, that's all." Christ replied.

Geneveive nodded. "It is. Yes." She felt a quiet come over him and she allowed them both to sit in the silence together. His words were poignant and sad. She wondered what had happened in the last few days that made him reach into his emotions and speak about the Lords this way--- people he said he didn't know. People he said he'd never met. She wondered just who Christopher Wesley was - really. 

The water began to swish and stir below as the ship pulled out of its docked space in Liverpool and the large horn sounded alerting the friends and family on dock to wave goodbye. 

There was a roar of cries and waves from the other side of the ship. Genevieve and Chris went over and waved back to people they didn't know.

They were coming home. 

Both of them. With a very important mission that was 18 years in the making.

Justice for Sabrina. Justice for David. Justice for Sebastian


Charlotte & Morgan discuss Filipe

Back at the Goode Family cottage on Goode Island, Charlotte sat at the front room window watching as the sky darkened off in the distance over the larger Welshport Island. The moon slowly crept over the horizon, in full face. The inevitable was to come. The wolf that haunted her dreams was set to turn all of their lives inside out. 

She was worried. But Morgan Thorne worried more. 

He entered the room and saw his best friend Charlotte silently watch the night progress from the window. His mind flashed back to the night he watched Filipe be attached by the wolf in the forest. The blood. The sound of the beast rip through Filipe's flesh. The heart-pounding moments he believed his own life was in danger. 

It was all too much for him.

Charlotte sensed she was being watched and turned to see Morgan standing off towards back of the room with a fearful expression on his face.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"I don't know how much more I can take of this place." he replied in a shaky voice.

"Morgan, we're going to be ok. We're going to find a way to get Filipe back to who he was before all of this. You have to believe that." Charlotte stated. "We've made it through worse." She added squeezing his hand. 

"Do you really believe that? How can we? Look at the newspaper! They all think it was Sebastian. Its like a snowball. Everything is getting worse by the day, and we have yet to find a way to save Filipe. If Filipe is discovered to be this monster, what does that mean for him? They aren't going to leave him alone. It's going to get worse Charlotte, I can feel it. This is going to get much worse." 

Charlotte had never heard Morgan speak this way. He had always been shy and soft spoken when the talked in private over their friendship about the terrible things their families had put them through: Charlotte's parents' destructive behaviors and Morgan's parent's messy divorce. Their bond was solid and they couldn't be any closer than they were. 

But something had changed in him over the last few days. His fears were beginning to twist and churn in his body forcing the young man to finally see that there may be less hope than he originally believed. 

"We have to believe it Morgan." Charlotte said hoping her calming tone would influence Morgan's seemingly spiraling one. "If we don't believe we can all survive this, then what is it all for?" She added. 

"I should just pack up and get myself on train back to my Grandmother Sybil's home in San Francisco. I was safer there. My mother isn't coming back, she's far away on her own wild goose chase in London and I'm here in the middle of a hellscape of death and destruction. I don't know how much more I can take Charlotte, I really can't. Why is this happening? Why did this have to happen!?" 

Charlotte clung to a crumbling Morgan hugging him tightly. His head fell on her shoulder, and he sobbed in her arms. He was terrified. It was so clear he wasn't like the others in Welshport. The darkness he saw in the short time he'd been in town had totally overcome his normal happy demeanor. This new life of shadows was so incredibly foreign to him that living them felt as if he'd become plunged into a never-ending rabbit hole of horror and fear.

Morgan then began to tell Charlotte of his night terrors: Flashes of Filipe's wolf attack and everything else he'd experienced the night of Filipe's attack were constant. It was as if every time Morgan closed his eyes another dark force filtered into his mind and showed him all the terrible things he'd seen over and over and over again. The constant barrage of pain was unbearable for the 15-year-old Morgan. 

"Morgan, look at me," Charlotte said tilting his face upward so that they were now eye-to-eye. "We have to have hope that my mother will find something in the spell book that can save Filipe. She's been going through it page by page every single night since we came home from Fatima's house, and I have faith she'll find the solution. We will not lose Filipe to this, and we certainly won't lose ourselves to it either." 

"How can you be so sure?" He asked. "Can't you see into the future and tell me? Can't you tell us all if we're going to make it Charlotte?" 

Charlotte wasn't sure. Her psychic abilities did not work that way. She wasn't a fortune teller, she could only see what her mind chose to show her, nothing worked on demand for her. were 

She smiled, hoping to ease his nerves and squeezed his hands in hers once more.

"I trust my mother." She said confidently, bringing him into a hug. 

Then as the two youngers consoled each other they broke from their hug and stared deep into each other's eyes. They were seeing each other now in a different light. Two versions of themselves were slowing fading away and breaking into something else entirely. 

They were friends who were slowly becoming much more than that. 

Morgan leaned in and his lips slowly coming closer to Charlotte's. 

A first kiss for each of them in the face of terrible darkness. 

As they slowly made their way to connect in the light of the room Charlotte's mother Mary entered the room interrupting them before their lips could touch. 

She had with her the now notorious edition of The Welshport Globe under one arm, and her new son Caleb on the other. She carefully placed little Caleb in a wooden highchair at the breakfast nook table and walked over to the burning fire in the hearth that had lit the almost kiss so perfectly.

Mary then defiantly threw the newspaper into the flames not noticing the moment she innocently interrupted.

"You don't believe it either, do you?" Charlotte asked Mary with a nervous tone in her voice thinking Mary saw the two teenagers almost share a first kiss. 

"Of course not." Mary replied walking back over to a laughing baby Caleb who did see them almost kiss.

"What about Filipe?" Morgan asked just as nervous as Charlotte was.

"I've scoured the book my mother left me. It's unclear about anything dealing with lycanism. There are spells that hint vaguely but nothing I can decern would revert our beloved Filipe back to his normal self." Mary explained.

Charlotte turned to Morgan as they shared a disappointed facial expression.

"Charlotte says we have to have hope, but I'm having trouble." Morgan revealed.

Mary sighed and went over to Morgan who had become practically her foster son since Geneveive vanished to London in search of David. 

She put her arms around him and held him. "She's right." Mary answered. 

"Is she?" 

"We cannot abandon hope yet. There has to be something in that old book that I'm just not understanding. It's written in a way that takes years and years of teaching and practice in the craft to understand, I'm only learning these ways-- and I have no guide. My mother never had the chance to be that." Mary reminded them.

"We know." Charlotte replied. "Why would they think it was Sebastian? Where would that even come from?"

Mary signed realizing that Sebastian's whole life was upended because of her. She's the one that shot him at his wedding to Evie. She's the one that begged her mother Eliza to bring him back to life. Mary is the reason Sebastian is the vampire that he is and she's at fault for Sebastian and Evie and the entire Lord family having to create the lies surrounding his strange disappearances and reappearances. 

"None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. None of it." Mary said to herself.

Charlotte cocked her head confused. She knew nothing of truth. "Why would you think that? You've done all you could to help Sebastian and Filipe." 

Mary turned to Morgan and Charlotte who were standing directly in front of her like a wall of truth closing in on Mary when she finally decided to bring it all out.

"Charlotte, I was different then -- and your father dangled access to you in front of me like a carrot on a string and I did something that caused this whole thing to begin. I shot Sebastian dead, and my mother brought him back to life but in a way that I had no control over. He became something that could live in life like us but also in the shadows of death, behind the veil. She did so using Filipe's blood -- it was a spell that felt so dark and so horrible, but it brought him back to us correcting my horrible error. I just wish I hadn't shot him in the first place. But I was given such a prize, you, you were my everything. You've always been my everything." Mary explained.

Charlotte sat in a chair as if everything she had ever known were snuffed out in a single second, and although she knew what Sebatian was this whole time, but Charlotte had no idea her mother and late Grandmother Eliza were directly responsible. She felt horrible for Sebastian all this time, that had never changed, but she never realized she too was in a way involved in why he was the way he was. 

And now Sebastian's life -- or lack thereof-- was doomed to live in the shadows forever. 

"I wish we could just go back and make it all better." Charlotte whispered.

Mary rushed over to her daughter and knelt next to her "I'm so sorry. Please don't hate me. I did it because your father promised me you, and of course it was all a lie. He only wanted me to kill Sebastian for him." 

"I remember Sebastian's funeral. Aunt Sabrina always warned me his death was not to last, but I never understood." Charlotte reflected. "This is what it meant; he was to live but live in a different way." 

Mary nodded "But he's suffered. We've suffered. All the lies that surrounded him all these years to protect his secret are now being printed up in the paper by Baxter Murphy and his ridiculous speculation that he's some kind of monstruous killer. And although Sebastian has done terrible things, he's fought hard to not give in to those sensations. It cannot be easy." Mary added.

"Where could he be?" Morgan asked.

"No one knows. When he supposedly died in the fire, he returned here to Goode Island and took off with Jacqueline. He hasn't been heard from since we told him about Gabriel's accident and how he lost his hearing." Mary remembered. 

"In the paper, it says that Evie said he saved her." Morgan added.

"If that's true, then he's still somewhere in Welshport." Charlotte added.

"It doesn't matter. We can't help him. We have to focus on Filipe and finding a way to help him!" Mary added.

As the words left her lips she suddenly had an idea. Filipe. Sebastian. Sebastian. Filipe. They two were connected supernaturally since the night Eliza used Filipe blood to revive the body of Sebastian from his grave and turn him into a vampire. The two men were linked, bonded by blood forever. 

"Could there... no..." Mary said out loud in thought.

"What is it mother?" Charlotte asked.

"Filipe and Sebastian. They're, they're blood is linked. Their life forces are linked togehter as one. Perhaps if we find Sebastian he can somehow reverse this thing that has taken hold of Filipe and bring him back to his normal self or close to it. Back to us too!" 

"But how?" Charlotte wondered as Morgan vanished into the bedrooms. 

"I have to think, I have to think." Mary said pacing the room back and forth as baby Caleb cooed in his highchair at the table. 

"Here." Morgan said returning into the room with Eliza's book. "I believe." he said.

Charlotte looked at him and smiled. 

"I have faith in you Mary. Find it here, this book has to tell you the answer you're looking for. It's here, it has to be. Save Filipe. Find Sebastian and Save Filipe!" Morgan said.

Mary's heart warned. He believed in her. Charlotte believed in her.

Mary quickly got to work and flipped the pages of the leather-bound, gold laced, pages of the ancient spell book and then, as if a sudden gust of wind came into the room, the pages began to flip without a single touch of a finger. 

"Look." Mary said quietly. 

"They're moving." Morgan added.

"Maybe we did it, maybe we've unlocked it." Charlotte said.

The blook began to float above the table. It's pages frantically turning to an unknown chapter. Page by page flew passed and when it finally rested on a page the book fell back in a loud thund to the hardwood floors of the cabin open to a chapter of blood links and bonds.

"The healing power of a linked kin of blood and bond." read the chapter. 

"That's it. THIS IS IT!!!" Mary shouted, the baby laughing at his mother's funny reaction. 

"Is it? ARE YOU SURE??" Charlotte asked.

"Yes! YES! Its all here!! THIS IS IT! Why didn't I think of this before! Look, 'when the blood of one is used to heal and revive another they are bound for life and afterlife. One shall protect the other and the other shall protect the one. Interchanging this most sacred of life-forces reverses the source of an unknown curse, one not of thine own creation, and shall lift the veil of the curse once and for all.'"

"An Unknown curse, like the one Filipe received from the wolf!" Morgan realized. "Would Filipe's blood then change Sebastian back too?" Morgan asked.

Mary shook her head sadly. "No, that curse is not an unknown. It cannot be returned. Sebastian is what Sebastian is. However, like you said, the wolf moon curse is from an unknown source. Sebastian's blood should reverse anything that hits his blood-brother Filipe." 

"We have to find Sebastian." Charlotte said.

"We have to get to Welshport and find Evie, only she knows where Sebastian truly is." Mary added. "Before it's too late."

She went over and grabbed little Caleb and clutched him in her arms. She realized she couldn't take the baby with her; it would be too dangerous -- especially not knowing what the status of Filipe and his transformation was.

She decided she'd go alone.

Mary turned to Morgan and Charlotte and noticed they were consoling each other. It was a sweet moment between to friends, two young teenagers, both now 14, dealing with so much adult pain and suffering. It was unfair, Mary realized, to have them trapped in the web they were in. They deserved to be felt free and to grow up without the fear of the darkness that surrounded them -- all created through no fault of their own.

"You'll both stay here and watch Caleb." Mary ordered.

"NO! We have to go, we have to make sure that-- " Charlotte began.

"Charlotte, this is no longer a team effort, do you understand. That was my mistake I brought you both along with me before to dangerous places and I should never have done that. Stay here, you'll be protected and safe. Keep Caleb safe too. I started all of this with a gunshot to my own Cousin Sebastian and I need to fix it now."

Morgan hugged his foster mother. "Be careful." He said. "I'll watch over Charlotte and the baby."

Mary smiled "I know you will, my brave boy."

"Please, mother, please let me go along." Charlotte asked.

"Darling, I made up my mind. You stay here. Protect the boys. I'll return with Filipe; I promise you this." Mary said kissing Charlotte on the forehead. 

Mary grabbed her a coat and set out once again to Welshport Island to save Filipe from the curse of the full moon that was already setting up for a night of bloodshed and disaster. The children closed and locked the cabin door behind her unsure of what they'd find when the sun finally made it's way into the sky after the moon's full face finally went away again